3 Art Projects Using Reusable Materials for Kids

We’ve been stuck in the house most of the week because H has a bad virus. There are many reasons you may be cooped up in the house, from kids getting treatments, to kids with viruses, or maybe the weather is just not optimal to take your child outdoors. Whatever your reason is for staying…More

Winter Activities for Littles

Here in Texas, the weather is getting, well, it seems totally random. Some days we have a high of 50 and other days it spikes to 80. I’m not complaining…that’s for sure. Especially in front of all of you “snowed-in” friends! Mornings are usually in the low 30’s or 40’s, so H and I spend…More

3 Collaborative Cardboard Art Projects for Toddlers

My two year old daughter loves creating. Luckily, I’m of the philosophy that children need to have access to many different types of art supplies from a young age. Because of this, I keep a wide range of items that will engage and spark curiosity in my daughter. Our cupboards are filled to the brim;…More